Searching The Games Page

Not sure why or when, but the Games page on the flowlab site is only searchable by the exact title of the game, starting with the exact first word in the title.
Can this be changed please?
Yes it makes the search faster to only have to search the first word in each game title, but overall it makes it much harder to find games.
Better yet, maybe there could be a tag or category system like has been suggested before, so that games are easier to find that way.


This would be really nice and would probably overall increase traffic to flowlab games so it can also be a pretty decent place to both play and make games. Rn it’s basically only the front games that get a lot of people to play them

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i swear it doesn’t work at all

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It doesn’t work for me. I know of a game called ‘Flameheart’s Legacy’ and if I try to find it by searching nothing comes up. I know that’s the exact name.