Send your favorite games!

Send me your favorite games. I want to play something new
Something FUN

well the team I’m on is thinking of making money off one of our games. here’s the demo version

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Haha wth :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:
how do i play it? its weird lol

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its a top down game you use wasd
and click as well.

I’d be careful with that game, since you plan to sell and market it, considering is uses Megalovania from Undertale, you may get copyrighted for it.

the non demo version we changed the song.

please don’t get mad at me @MODDI

I’m not mad, I am just disappointed.
(Joke, I am actually fine with it>

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phew. anyway, back to the pm, or the otc, you choose.

PM, please and thank you.

ok, fair, but if you want, you might end up getting the last post if you check on there every day.

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im big Dia K :joy:Be kind to your fellow community members.

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