Separate Headphone Sounds - Request

I know there’s probably a name for this, but my dumb brain don’t know what it is.

Basically there are some games where gunshots are fired to the left of you, but the sound only comes out of the left headphone speaker or earbud (whatever you wear) so make it seem as if there are sounds actually left of you.
Now I don’t know if this is possible in flowlab, and nor has it been a very wanted feature, but I could see this becoming a cool edition to the sound behavior and making open world based games more realistic sound-wise.
I myself don’t need something like this specifically, but I wondered about it for a bit after watching Markiplier play fnaf and I thought I’d make a discussion about it.


I believe this is called surround sound. It can already be done for the most part. Take a sound, go into a program like audacity, then change the left and right volume until you see fit. You can have two seperate sounds that sound identical, but have their right and left channels set to different volumes. Obviously an in-built way to do this would be more dynamic and convenient, but it is possible. I believe @JR01 has made a sound fade example demonstrating this exact function before


Okay, I didn’t know it has been done before. But I still feel like it would be a cool built in feature to make something like that a little easier to access.

Also I figured it was called surround sound, but I wasn’t entirely for sure, lol.


In a 3D engine, such as unreal, left and right channels are automatically moderated through the camera if sounds are sent from another object. In a 2D engine, it’s easier to just have two identical audio tracks for left and right to be controlled separately.

It’s uncommon for a 2D engine to have left and right audio controls, but maybe something for Grazer to look into? Just for inputs anyway…

Also @grazer, sounds repeating and manually looping has been broken since the Jam. I think you said it was from the chrome update limiting the number of sounds, but could there be an overlay toggle in the sound behavior? Or a way to allow overlayed sound?

Here’s my example: