(SOLVED) Delete problems

I sent it to you privately.

Are these kingdoms in the same level?

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Yes, I don’t need more than one level ever, you know. I just need one and I can even make the Main menu on the same level.

Are these Barrier objects in on screen before they are destroyed?

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Yes, they are seeable on the player’s screen before the player clicks to destroy them.

You could just use In View to turn a switch on, which will allow the message to go through. Probably the simplest solution

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I’m going to test Flying Fajita’s solution first. (On the PM.)

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Can you @ me there, it isn’t showing up for me

Although Flying Fajita solved the problem, I will give you a solution also, for your help.

uhm yeah alpaca’s solution would have worked too

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You can give it to him, but out of curiosity, what did he suggest to you?

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I just told Ember to select specific objects with the router so that it wouldn’t message all of them.

I was assuming there were multiple Barrier objects that made up the whole thing (same object, multiple copies of it). I don’t like to select specific objects with extractors that much because it’s not flexible between levels.

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no extractors

not extractors, I just mean extractors or messages

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Nope, just one. As I said before, I need to conserve objects.

To resolve the issue, toggle a switch using In View, enabling the message to pass through. It’s a straightforward solution.

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