sky color code: #2000a0
cover art
live updates right now
sonic has become a true american
added knuckles; tails is next
Added Tails
r u adding any other characters?
Yes. I plan on adding Shadow, Amy, and those two guys from Mania Plus whose names I forgot.
Mighty and Ray @_GAMOOG, whos your favourite character?
Thanks. I have no idea I like them all pretty much
aha, thats fine! I was just wondering if anyone on here had the same fav as me as hes an unnapreciated character
Wait which character?
Yesh boiii
My first video game ever was sonic 06, and personally I thought playing as silver was the best part
Updating this game at night while listening to Silver’s theme
This game will be 2d shadow the hedgehog (if you dont know what that game is its basically shadow if he said dahm a lot and if he had a gun)