Credit to my girlfriend, for her inspiration, and her support. Without her I don’t think I would be coming back to make games, so the journey to create this game is very important for me.
Sparking Star is a romance, comedy, and action based game, going toward to making good character development and satisfying story events in till the end. Character names, settings, and story plotline all credited to my girlfriend and music will be credited toward my friend RampagingRenzu (Currently can’t join the community at the moment).
Down at DowneryBay City, Nothing really happens, in it’s dull, and grey state. It’s streets and buildings were with no color, cloudy skies watched above up high, and throughout his life, Yanyue never knew the outside world. Him, and each and every citizen old or young, their lifes, their creativity, and all their sense of adventure was all limited by the Big King. In till one day, the sky creaked. A light, something so new to the people below, lit up the dull city, with’s it’s vibrant and bright colors. Questions broke out throughout the town, and whsipers of fear for the unknown traveled to every corner of town. With curiousity, Yanyue following the light, found a mysterious girl in a frozen capsule…starting the tale of Yanyue and Xihe.
Two opposites…
Both parallel to each other…
one strong soul of slience, growth…and calming strength…
it’s opposite, a pure soul, filled with energetic, and vibrant energy…
A beginning of a journey…
Together again…
heart and mind…
spreading like a bright starry night…