Stacey - OUT NOW! - PixelPizza's Game

Thank you! :smiley: @jayden.zhen

How come when you create a simple game and make a discussion you get a million people when I do the same thing nobody even bothers to read can you help me @PixelPizza your really popular and I would like some help plz

Dude, Stacey is a game he was paid to do, and is very polished
It’s anything BUT simple.

Also every discussion you’ve made asking for help has been answered.

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How do you not understand me bro that has nothing to do or answers what i said

Then I suggest you to be more careful on how you word things.

“How come when you create a simple game and make a discussion you get a million people when I do the same thing nobody even bothers to read”

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@“JR 01” you’re right but back off! This is what I was talking about. Him being rude doesn’t justify you being rude.

I said what makes sense how do you not understand. Can we just stop this i was asking @PixelPizza this has none of your concerns. Just please stop Im not trying to do anything rude.

@PixelPizza I really like the game. Great art and gameplay. Although this is just from me watching the video @JR 01 sent cause the game is so big for my device to load it. Also @GrimProductionZ, @JR 0, @meburningslime, I would prefer to not start a civil war on the forums. I know you all have different opinions but you guys are just fighting over something as little as reading a comment wrong. I dont wont to be rude or get involved (or grab popcorn and watch on the sidelines) but your making yourselves look like fools and we should be setting good examples for others. I feel like @grimproductionz outbursts are starting to effect everyone and I just dont want to see the future of Flowlab like this.

PS. Sorry @jr 01 for spelling your name wrong, typing on a phone is difficult.

 not being rude, just suggesting a correction for the misunderstanding.

My first response was for defense of what I thought was a rant on Pizza (again) as to suggest that Stacy was either simple, or at the same level of another game.

My second response was a suggestion the created the confusion of my first response, as well as highlighting the words to show why I didn’t “understand me bro”. And also the question seemed outstated of getting “help” when all of his discussions for help has been answered.
Now that I see the question is of “popularity” to Pizza, I then suggest a change to his grammer.

And with my response to popularity, (not to say I’m answering for Pizza, but as more to myself) I got to say there isn’t much popularity for our own post’s getting barely 1 or 2 pages in the forum for responses. Even less outside of the Forum where we do get followers, but around 10 - 30 followers at the most.

@ManiacPumpkin Civil wars have happened lol, I always lose anyways
@“JR 01” sorry for the misunderstanding, but the only things you post are to correct people so you seem much more toxic than others, although I know that’s not true.

its awesome

@praisetheyuppee im not sure you talking about the game or what just happened lol.

lol im talkin about pixel pizzas game

To everyone that liked my game, thanks! Glad you liked it.
About anything else, please don’t do it here, thanks. :slight_smile:

hey, its been a while

Hi everyone! Great news!
I have updated the “Stacey” game :blush:

Due to a flowlab update, several parts of the game were broken, so I took the time to fix everything and put it just like it was.

If you never played Stacey or wanted to, but the game didn’t function as intended, this is your chance to play one of my personal favorite (that I made) games!

Play Stacey Now! :heart: Game link:
