Stacked sprites shooting?

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I need a way for the player to shoot that doesn’t look like the cannon/gun is on the bottom. I’m using spritestacking, so the base object will be shooting, but is there a way to select a layer to fire the ammo?
Is there a way for a specific layer of the stack to fire?


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Edit Emit point does exactly that.

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Sure, it edits the emit point for flat objects, but how can it be used for spritestacked objects?

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ok i did that

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Oh, yeah. That’s a pretty neat way. I’ll test it, if it works, I’ll give the solution.

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What you could do is give each layer of the spritestack a unique starting value, then have the shooting code activate for whichever layer’s starting value the gun is on.

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It already has a starting value.

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thats what my code does :expressionless:


Thanks a lot! It worked.