Starblast for Mobile

Over the past 3 or so days, I have been working on a special version of Starblast made for Mobile phones. It includes the D-Rings from Starblast Finale, as well as its own special version of deadline. I intend on other features related to gamecenter to be implemented. As of now, there are no keyboard controls, but if enough people want I will add them.

The game incorporates some SBF game mechanics, like the deadline timer, with some new ideas such as limited bullet range and enemies having hitpoints.

Flowlab Game Creator - Starblast Lite as of now the game is somewhat playable in the mobile browser, but I still have a lot of work to do.


There’s now a results screen, detailing your performance. It displays how much you scored during each individual minute.


The game is done. keyboard controls and controller support has been implemented, Flowlab’s leaderboard has been implemented. Now all that is left is to get this exported to mobile.


damn you’re fast dude

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I’d hope so, being one of the oldest members here

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I have given this game COUCH CO-OP MULTIPLAYER!

Play with your friends!