Stardew valley remake

why does this remind me of Robbie Rotten XD
(we are #1 (:< )

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Also, if you wan’t to add his brother tell me and I’ll give you the details.

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Midas with teeth should not exist

oh hey! did you make that art bit there? the colors are really popping!

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Thank you!
Yeah, I took a bit of inspiration from the actual character in the game but I did most of the art and coloring myself.

well good job, it looks really cute!
hehe, I kinda lurk around but I’m brought out of hiding when I see some cool pixel art (:

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I would really love to be an NPC in this game. Not super huge in the community, but would it hurt to add one more? Here is the pixel art for my character:
pixil-frame-0 (8)

Name: Soren Retaeht (Not pronounced like retarded)
Gender: ???
Loves: Knowledge, the beauty of the earth, all forms of art, and magic
Likes: Brother
Dislikes: People telling it it isn’t worthy enough
Hates: The dark
Totally single, but not available

Notes: Currently searching for the other three sides of its soul

Guys, you might want to settle down with the NPC requests lol

im suffering bc i can literally hear my classmates screaming in excitement
because why not? do i just have to listen to Bad Apple?

This has been so quiet lately, eh?

I think its because I changed the name of the post

yea, thats maybe why.

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Make mine be human maybe have a mask like this (Sorry im bad at ART)
Screenshot 2021-02-25 161910

And would have a black hole on the mask and let him have black clothes duh and White skin color

And will always be single (NEVER AVAILABLE PPL I HATE LOVEY DOVEY)

Lest start

Gender Boi

Likes: Guns, cropping tools

Dislikes: Romance, bad guys

hates: any weapons other than guns, people cutting down trees

Personilaty: Like a bandit but good

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You’re hired

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