Stop input for repeaters

Just something I was thought of, being able to stop a repeater so that it doesn’t have to loop through every iteration would save resources and make things faster.

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thats a good idea :). @grazer

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The repeater works in a single frame, and it’s usually better to input how many loops you need depending on what you have.


The reason I thought of this was because I was using the repeater to go through all the values in a list, and compare them to another value to see which one matched. There should only be one match in the whole list, so after the repeater finds a match it would repeat through the rest of the list even though anything after the matching number would not match


You could just turn off a switch that the repeater goes into.

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In this regard, I do think the List Each behavior should have a stop input.
But for the Repeater case, you could make your own infinite loop that stops on a match.