Hi, No need for explanation, it’s simple. We need someone who can animate. Guns specifically.
I dont know what “surviv.io” is but im a gud animator i can help
but i dint put the link on purpose
I can’t right now unfortunately, although I do have some pre-made weapon sprites.
Alright thanks for the feedback
All free, I’m not offended if you don’t use em lol.
It’s blocked on my school Chromebook, @ManiacPumpkin Can you click the link pumpkin?
Are the guns from surviv.io or did you make them? general question
What i mean is are they personally yours or from surviv.io yk
I made them myself, they’re just concept and mostly 32x32, not made specifically for surviv.io.
Glad you told me, no harsh feelings, but they have to be from surviv.io xD
They are the surviv.io guns just I didn’t copy & paste them.
O alright thanks for telling me I still can’t open link, you need to send me screenshot xD
I love the drawing bro! When you have free time would you like to help us?
I dont remember if i asked yet
What we needed help on was gun animation. Like basically them holing the gun, sounds easy but it’s not xD
I could help by providing the pixel art like this, but I’m already working on two huge projects, Notes and Waves, & Till We Have Faces. Maybe after I’m done with one of those lol.
Alright thanks for telling me