Taile Gamougg Trilogy Devlog (news bigger than Chungus?)

He has the kind of light-up drip that every elementary school student wished they had


Fax bro.


How is this new loading screen design?

  • Awesome
  • Mid
  • Bad

0 voters


Looks awesome! Though I think it could be cool if you added something to make it cover more of the screen. I just opened the picture in Paint3D and drew some more lighting, I think it looks better this way.


Thank you very much! Yup, I’ll try that now. Thanks for the suggestion!
Edit: Below I updated it and it looks better I think!

I am now working on the Gamougg 3 Free DLC. It will be about Gamougg practicing his sword skills, and why he suddenly begins to use them in Gamougg 4.


I voted for it being mid because it’s a unique design and I can instantly tell it’s taile gamougg, but the art style on the letters aren’t very consistent or match similarly.

Usually when I work on a title, I like the text to be similar or maybe change size and color depending on the title and subtitle. The 3 you have is a different pixel size and doesn’t relate to the rest.
The subtitle looks pretty good, a simplistic white text gets the message across, the taile gamougg is a little interesting. Taile itself is a unique text, but then gamougg is just a plan golden yellow and a different font.
It doesn’t look bad, but the title itself is a bit overwhelming trying to figure out what words align with what.

But with the amount of meme and the huge storyline, I guess it does kind of fit.


I see. Thanks for your input. Well I do like juxtaposition, so I suppose it could be that or the old art style merging with the new one.


Nerd (blue background so you can see him better)

Reference image


Is this achievement art too violent?

blood warning

To me it has around the same level of bloodshed as the Scepter Foundation. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not though.

  • No[pe].
  • MORTAL KOMBAT! (yes)

0 voters

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Not sure if you know how violent the game will end up being, but I guess your basing it off of what you know.


The forum yeah


So this guy’s the DLC boss, like Khamsin in Metal Gear Rising?

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Is Gamougg a physical damage DPS? If so, how would he be like in PGR?

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Yes. I think that his gameplay would be very intense if he was in that game.

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Making video games is art. I was watching a YouTube video about anti-piracy screens this morning, and like an artist I was inspired to remake Gamougg 1 as a horror game.

Get ready.


You’re right that’s really weird. I hope I can change the art style with Gamougg 5.

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John said I can share these specific sprites for everyone to use freely, although they are primarily meant for Gamougg fangame creators lik BradenS.
New lava container
pixil-frame-0 - 2021-01-14T083404.679
pixil-frame-0 - 2021-01-23T111857.683


I have now finished the horror version of Gamougg 1. However, I am waiting for people in the Flowlab DIscord to tell me what they think of the game’s level of violence to see if I should post it here.

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…So who is Taile Gamougg? Sounds like a cartoon character.

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Taile Gamougg is the name of the series, not the main character. The character’s name is Gamougg. Gamougg is a skeleton space explorer. His and his series’ name sounds wacky because its an intentional misspelling of an old phrase I used to repeat frequently that went like “THE STORIES OF GAMOOG. THE TALES OF GAMOOG.” This had no meaning, but it was cool and interesting, so I used it for my first flowlab game, and the rest is history.