Teammate needed (Paid)

I don’t think a beginner like you is something has in mind… I have seen your games and frankly, they lack any kind of special or even complicated logic


If you need a third member, :wink: I’m here if you need me

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:frowning: im not bad at mmaking games

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true, hong is also quite good


Maybe not, but you’re not good or experienced enough to be paid


you’re inexperienced.


:frowning: but i am good at it

buddy. i don’t want to mean to you, but you’ve got lots to learn.

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i just cant do it beacuse im not indie

indie doesn’t mean you’re automatically as good as huckleberry or pixelpizza.

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you guys dont know how it feels you cant do ■■■■ without indie

i didn’t have indie for a while, you can do a lot with free.

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i you guys dont know how it feels to have to make a game with only 50 sprites 3 games no good blocks

could you make a randonly made map can you

You copied that from an example.

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i can i did what most did not

no not exaple a game that did not work

Hey, this is off topic, so we should end it soon, but I was free for some time too, indie does not make you better, you make yourself better, stop being such a egomaniac and know that your seniors (us) with more experience have all been without indie one way or another


i fixed it ME i made/making it better
