Temple explorer 3 confirmed!!!

Get your hopes up because temple explorer 3 will be here soon!!
Here’s what’s going to be in the new game
*animated cut scenes
*new movement mechanic…
*2 weapons to choose from
-bow and boomerang
*more temples
*trivia mini game
*a mode allowing you to play snippets of other games involves your suggestions

I will add screenshots and teasers such as 1+2+3=6
can you figure that riddle out?.. its streight forward…no really it is… quit reading this line and think about it!!!..okay okay move on…
It be on my site soon… You may also fill out a form and send it to me. And you can have your games featured too!!
More to come soon!!

here is the main character next to a rock beetle in the house

nice but why not let the 8-bit graphics and evolve to better graphics

Remember this is beta- the graphics will be better

like 16 bit

Who doesnt


can i play it?

water effect= 9/10 really nice im impress

I’ll give the link to some hand picked beta testers. And You will have the possibility to