Text box ONLY for Numbers

How do I make text boxes that go to 6 digits only with numbers

What are you trying to do?

Making a text box that goes 6 digits and can only have numbers typable

Well I got the numbers typable only thing done but now how do I make a text box and show the printed numbers but now how do I make it so that way you can backspace the characters

What do you mean by goes six numbers?

The max number of characters to be entered is 6

Try using number lists. You can add and remove numbers with them.

Ok but I did that and where should I put it in


I can’t see where the text gets the (get) input from

I can’t see it very good Idk where to put the wires because they go backwards

Pop output and fail output goes into the empty text behavior.

The true output goes into the pop input for the list.

My game crashed whenever I type a number

Can you give me the behavior code in text pls

NVM but where can I print the code out now using labels