Text for a sign

I feel so dumb… There is a simple way to make a sign show text on the screen when the player is near it? I’m trying with a proximity + collision trigger, but maybe there is an easier way to do it? Cause with the collision + proximity seem to need lots of code for just a sign that show a text and in someway it seem just wrong… ^^’

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Try using the ‘In View’ trigger first. Make it trigger an amination.


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If either of these works, please mark it as a solution.

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uuh, didn’t think about making a text animation! Tyvm!!

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I love the ‘Animation’ behavior. It (In my opinion) is the most useful behavior on Flowlab.

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i’m still in that stage where i have to figure out what i can really do with all the stuff XDD

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Yes. That stage lasts for a long time. I’m always learning new thing about Flowlab.

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in the end i found the raycast behavior useful for this purpose, lol

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