THats just scary lol
Also, hi @cats_for_code , never seen you before.
Hello… Also if you’re character’s dont have bones how do they live?
ever heard of an octopus
or a jellyfish
or a bug
or an invertebrate? only exoskeletons lol
Bugs dont have bones? ; - ;
All insects have six legs, three body segments, antennae, and an exoskeleton. Insects don’t have bones . Instead, they have hard shells called exoskeletons.
p.s. cats are takin over flowlab
just choose whichever one you think is the best for the competition
Y e s… Thats, a good thing
i wonder if exoskeletons count as skeletons for this, you can simply draw a lady bug
Butterfly? Can i draw a butterfly?
i like the purple one
Purple not best color to me
___________ why not?
Becouse my sister likes it… Personal stuff-
No offense @Autumnwind_cat
Lol- ; - ; So it’s a fact i dont like the color becouse you like it- but you do it to me…
actually thats incorrect not just insects have exosketeletons but most invertebrates. Some dont tho including sea sponges, minor phyla, bacteria and aquatics such as squid or sea slugs.
(i just wanted to vent that sry lol(imma entomologist))
ooooh cool!