Sry, but I win again.
Took me literal hours to download the image, look at the color scheme (or just extract colors) and finally create a pixelated version.
What if I told you…
I actually just dropped the image into a pixelator. :3
Gots to go. Playing sporkknife
Is it okay to add blood? @glowbug @Autumnwind_cat ?
id say its ok as long as its not too much
Voting time!
The theme was skeletons.
0 voters
Good luck to all participants!
I’ll close down voting after a few hours.
The daily contest will begin in an hour or so, maybe a little early.
Big news, The weekly contest is here! Well, not right now but pretty soon.
Well, we have a clear winner.
I’m doing this a lot earlier since the winner is pretty clear.
Congrats @Autumnwind_cat!
They won by a landslide.
Thanks to the other contestants, @C4llM3Zky3, @hihilogic, and @_GAMOOG.
I hope you all had fun!
The daily contest
Let’s begin.
Today’s theme is:
The moon
Why? I looked outside and the moon was still up so it’s moon day, or moon night, is every night moon night?
Same stuff as always
Pallet: N/A
Reward: 50 Rc
Voting will begin tomorrow
If anyone wondering about the weekly contest I already typed it out but I over rid the copy by copying the images and I had to restart my pc so I couldn’t recover it… woooo
does this screenshot of my own game count?
Thanks @glowbug!
I was thinking, I could add a challenge today.
The challenge is to draw a sunset. But there is a catch. you have to use this game. Flowlab Game Creator - Paint It! 2! The reward is 50 reward coins, have fun!
(Please send screenshot.)
Weekly Contest or something…
It’s time for the weekly contest!
For this contest, you have a week to draw so try to do as much as you can!
We haven’t had a weekly contest in 2 weeks so I guess it should be called the every other week contest.
Anyways, let’s begin!
The theme of this weeks contest is, *low-budget drumroll :
Cafe (or any building that sells food products)
Now I know this isn’t a “theme” but so much as something to draw but there’s a lot more to it.
Try to customize and style your cafe to create your own theme!
Basically, make your own theme around your cafe, this of course wasn’t because I couldn’t think of a theme or anything.
Now in all seriousness, we haven’t had any architectural themes so I thought it would be nice for once.
Try to make the cafe special, for example, a gaming cafe or a cat cafe, try to add something special to it.
Other info
Palette: N/A (use whatever you want, if you need help choosing a palette, go to Lospec)
Reward: 50 RC (yes but seriously, what is RC?)
Voting: voting will begin this Sunday
Here are some tips or just things to consider.
- Take your time, don’t rush, make sure everything looks nice, don’t submit it too early.
- Use reference, really, it’s not cheating, just use reference, trust me it’ll help you more than you think it will.
- Don’t do the daily if you don’t have time, daily take a lot of time so if you want to really focus on the weekly contest then it would be wise to skip them as they take a lot of time, don’t push stuff out of your schedule if it’s important.
- Don’t use a high-resolution canvas, if you start too large scale then it’ll be much more difficult to continue, I would recommend doing something a bit smaller but that doesn’t mean the high pixel scale is bad, it’s ultimately up to you but be careful with what you do.
- Have fun. All of this is for fun, remember that.
Some other stuff to note:
I will not be participating, like always, but I will be creating small examples to help.
Submit everything before the deadline.
If you need advice or any help with your art then you can dm me.
Daily contests will still be held throughout the week.
As always, if you have questions feel free to ask!
@ManiacPumpkin @_GAMOOG @Autumnwind_cat @MelloJello @hihilogic @TGW @cats_for_code @00T_Free @Baron_Wasteland @beanies_bugs
Geez, I had to type all of that twice… hopefully I didn’t miss anything.
can i join this contest?
if you is gud.
if you is good? loooooooooool
Of course you can, the contest is open to everyone.
Ok thanks, was the other guy being funny or