The Artists Contest! -- Big Chungus cover art

sorry, it’s pretty small.

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YES! YES!!! EVERYONE’S AWAKE!!! I pulled probably my sixth all-nighter this month. :3

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Probably a mistake. I’m starting to think the floor is leaning…

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That’s great artwork! I was almost half tempted to make a cafe like setting in a similar style, I even started making the basic pieces, but it wouldn’t have looked half as good as yours. I’ll just stick to making basic games for now. :grin:


maybe because I didn’t apply lighting to the tiles.

No, my floor.

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oh okay, but still I should’ve applied lighting to the floor haha

Cool :sunglasses: :+1:

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I don’t know diggity dong s**t about shading. Other than the part where you put some lighter pixels here…


have a look at this :slight_smile: (i couldnt be bothered to writ it out AGAIN LMAO)


who is this pointed too haha

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Gamemaster107 lol just click on the bit where it says --mY TRY on Art –

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the biggest issue with people new to pixel art is them trying to make it look like traditional art, but you CAN’T do that.

yeah its kinda hard, Imma just stick 2 pen n pencil n (paper!!??)

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Voting time and stuff!

The theme was medieval!

Good luck to all contestants!

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Oof sorry @GameMaster107

Yeah, I knew I would lose, I am really bad at art.


Yeah, same here.

I only did the weekly to get better at pixel art.

I think yours is really good.

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Thanks, I see many flaws with it though.

The feedback is always appreciated!