It’s as bad as it sounds. A backrooms game in Flowlab.
I couldn’t think of anything to do with an old 3D Project of mine, but I was too proud to delete the game. So I decided to make a little game out of it.
It’s just a small project so I probably won’t be doing anything with it, but if enough people actually want me to continue it, I might continue working on it.
Would it be possible to add mouse tracking similar to fnaf where when the mouse is on the left side of the screen you start tuning left, when it’s at the right side you start turning right and when at the center you stand still.
Maybe have some sort of gradual detection so you turn faster depending on how far out the mouse is.
This would be a pretty cool feature to see in the game to make it seem more First person.
Ooh, I like this. I’ll look into that.
Also just because this is the only message I’ve replied to doesn’t mean I ignored everyone else’s ideas. I just felt like this one deserved a reply
Oh, hi Yoann. Since you’re here, I was wondering how to import it. You can look the game if you want. I’m having trouble importing your engine and I’m not sure what’s wrong.