The code is the exact same! Why is it not working?!? (SOLVED)

CONTEXT: I am working on a creature catching game like pokemon, it has its own creatures, challenges ect. (Not that important, I have a topic on this.)

In the creature catching and inventory system, you catch a creature, it sends a message, saying you caught the creature, it the inventory. The inventory uses a router block to go through all the slots, so a creature doesnt get replaced and cause bugs. These go into lists to add the creature ID so that in battle, it knows what creature to send in at a time. Problem is, there is a bug where the ID #s get messed up, resulting in another creature being sent in that the player may not have caught, or a “Misssingno” being sent in instead. The thing is, THE CODE IS ALL THE SAME! WHY DOESN`T IT WORK?

Any help would be great! Thanks!

maybe try sending the link to your game to help out?

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nevermind lol the link is in the image right there

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I dont want to leak a lot of details before I release it if I dont have to. but this is a big bug so I will send it to ya if you think you can fix it!

“The code is all. the same!” What is it the same as?

Also, why are you using different Lists for each slot, I assume each creature only takes up 1 slot, so an individual List isn’t needed for each one.

This is how I would design the system.

List 1: This includes all of the creatures you have caught
List 2: This includes your current Party/Team. You’ll add things to this via List Modify (set to “Replace”).

That’s a much more simpler way to go about it.

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Im using multiple lists bc each one will hold a creatures stats, like HP, LV, ect. What i mean by The code is the exact same! is the lists setup, they all have their repective # keys and number blocks for the slot being pulled, (the ID slot) and they all have a list object. With all the same settings.

I fixed it. I forgot to make creatures catchable only in battles against them. lol easy fix thanks for your help everyone!

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