The discord

no, but you have to try legend of equip pants

it the best retro game i ever played

That was actually very well done of a game @drivera ! That was really fun!

i know right

you show get on my disscusstion it on play my game

post any new games that you created and talk about here we will help you
that the name of it

that. was. hoopla.

Also, is leronic14’s profile picture like that?

this is cuphead

Isn’t @Leronic14 banned @TheUltimateBepis ? I looked him up, and it says he is.

Yeah, but what he means is his profile “USER BANNED; PLEASE CARRY ON”?

@Atariman4600 Conspiracy theorist?

wanna crite spranberry

@quincy.gholston cy

You used the word crite wrong
Crite is a noun

um i read top comments and i saw you where talking about a cussing guy so im out

Big bruh moment. This hasn’t had someone comment in it since months ago.

Profanity Isn’t that big of a deal, but it would be best to keep it at a minimum

why am i back

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