The Escape Of The Unsavable Remake Devlog

Since Flowlab is blocked for me I’ve been writing notes about what I’ll add next and here’s what we got;
75 Collectable Figurines that have references to my past games, and references to my comics which only my friends will know, and references to other games that I like. These collectables are hidden and you get an achievement for each one you find.

3 New enemies that should make the game harder.

And… !!LORE!!
I’ve decided that I’ll talk about the lore barely since games with lore that are talked about too much in it’s forums topic kind of giveaway the thrill of finding the lore in-game.

I forgot about the 2nd world and a boss, since my friend came up with the name for Brainfreeze which is way better than ice block he got to make the boss… THE IMPALER, a living spikeball packed with souls ready to impale you and rip your flesh out. (not like your character doesn’t have any flesh.)


I remember when I was younger that If I didn’t get replies on my devlog topics I would just quit but for a strange reason I’m not.




Ok here’s the first new enemy.

The Chompit.

This enemy is basically the skeleton fish from Super Mario except it doesn’t break upon crashing. If it notices you it will charge at you, if it misses it’ll take a break for 3 seconds and that is when it is vulnerable.

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Rare Lore Piece that can only be shown to flow-forum users

In the great times, everyone was happy. Nothing was wrong with the world.
But then came the most important part of the time period between 30XX to 30XX.
Food was running out. And more humans had come to life on Earth.
In an attempt to send humans to Mars, all 5 ships crashed into asteroids and there were no
longer any more resources to build more ships. So, to save humanity the Council of 5 arrived
and trapped the weak in a purple complex to test which ones would stay on planet Earth.
The weak were so pale and white they looked like white stickmen.
The weak would be tested one at a time, the next one coming after the current one dies.
Each of the council had a great skill, with their best member doing the most important
of work. Each Weak that dies in the complex would have their soul extracted and put
inside a premade body of a creature to make it living. The creatures would forget who
they used to be and be stuck in an eternal life of killing more of the Weak to make more.
Hoping to be freed. To be at its rightful place.

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I love (and hate) how at the start of the level you are surprise attacked, though It is hard to see the floor spikes, as it is very hard to see.


Yeah the Sneak Spikes are 50% transparent I believe.


World 2, Spikeland is now in development!


Now there’s a new Spike Variant. Called the Patience Spike.
It’s that spike you’ve seen in Super Mario 3D World but in 2D.
I think you could understand what these are.


Also To-Do List;
:white_check_mark: Make your enemy kill count save the way your death count does
-Add more levels
:white_check_mark: Make a boss
:white_check_mark: Make a level select area similar to kirby’s dreamland
:white_check_mark: Add keys at the end of each level you collect to unlock the next level
:white_check_mark: Tutorial Signs
-Finish Spikeland
-Make music


Oh and also
Spike Protected Enemies, this way you can’t kill them.


The game will be back in development after the winners of the jam are announced.


I lied.

I need to experience the thrill of game dev so I am going to continue the development of TEOTUR today.

I am going to do some level building, and maybe develop some music for the game.
After that, my current to-do list is over.



The extra button will be used for credits later. Now when starting the game will show the next Trapped entering the obstacle course.

New Figurine Collection Area!
Clicking the figurines will make a noise and hovering above them will show the name and figurine number.

Check it out!


This is a nice looking menu, and I like the collectibles menu, I don’t think I’ve seen any other flowlab games do that!


Oh my god BradenS, I had this strange thing with the animations for the player and when I saw how you did the movement animations for your player in Unprofessional Wizardry I tried something similar for myself and now my animations don’t play at the wrong moment anymore. Honestly detecting the Y Velocity was genius. (I didn’t steal any code I swear on my Flowlab Account)


So according to lore everytime you die you technically don’t “respawn” as the same character so to make the game fixed to the lore should I make it so everytime you die you get sent back to the lobby indicating a new Trapped has entered the course? It won’t remove your progress because also according to lore the Trapped enter the course one at a time but no progress will reset after the current Trapped dies so it’s kind of like working together. And the whole course was copied 10 times and built next to each other underground to speed up the testing.


It depends… If the lore is important enough to the story (and/or explained in game), then yeah that makes sense. But if not, then I wouldn’t say no to sacrificing a little bit of lore accuracy for more fun gameplay.

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