The Final Quest

@“The Kodex” please read this

I will, but because of home complications I have not been on a laptop for days, just on the forum on my phone so the next time I can I will…


K bud. Just don’t talk in a way that will ruin your rep. Okay?

Has anyone made any progress? Want to use a hint?

I would probably cheat in frustration lol, I’m not much of a puzzle person or have much time to do them.

@“JR 01” hey since almost everyone else figured it out I’ll tell you the first step.
Go to the menu screen and wait for 60 seconds, then click /.

@“JR 01” @“The Kodex” please read ^^^

What is time for you @meburningslime ?

If you mean what time is it for me then it’s 5:52

what is it you wanted me to see?

Did you find the secret

Find it when u can

@seamothmaster45 when you get the chance look for the secret

@meburningslime When you sent that the time was 5:52 for you. For me, 1:51… Am… Darn time zones…


Well when you have a chance play my game @“The Kodex” and find dat secret! Tell me if you find it

@witherdragon4 try the final quest.

@Pixel-Master-Studios-Dev @“The Kodex” @seamothmaster45 @BitWit
The endgame is finished.
Who will be the first to find it?