On Flowlab’s behalf
I just like to have respectful debates. I don’t think @John_Shrekinson or myself is offended, it’s just friendly banter. I’m sorry I have offended you somehow.
Good job! Lol I have no idea if I’ll ever get that
ive officially lost hope in humanity people are literally posting offensive things in reply to 5 people being shot because of their identity
I am unoffendable. I developed this power because of my EXTREME opposition and abhorrence of/towards Twitter users.
- Offend the offenders in DMs
- Delete your account forever. For additional safety, transfer all your data to a new device after the account deletion, then discard your device into the ocean or an incinerator. Make sure to reset the device before doing this.
I have 71 solutions, but I think that more than half of my solutions are just me marking the important posts on my update topics
what is the answer to -⅔^-⅔ (negative two thirds to the power of negative two thirds)
Why you should watch Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger
Sounds like something you should probably learn lol, I liked doing that kind of math. Once I learned it I could use it in coding.
1.31 but it can be simplified to 13/10 if you’d like.
How so?
Here’s why:
So, first of all, when you multiply by a negative exponent, you can just take the reciprocal of the original and use the opposite of the exponent on the denominator. Sooo, -3/2^2/3 — -1.5^0.6—
From there, you use a calculator, which I mean, that’s if you can’t do it in your head… which most people can’t…so yeah.
I mean, the only reason why people flip them and stuff is to make sense of the whole thing (which is the most important thing about math) and it allows for expressions with more variables, but they’re the same thing (-2/3^-2/3 and -3\2^2/3).
Thank you for teaching me something new, since I didn’t know that myself; I knew how to do it with whole numbers, but never with fractions, so thank you for that.
If you’re curious how I learned, I searched it up on Google and explored for 20 minutes—it’s awesome what you can do with the resources you’re given.
I’m gonna censor this because I don’t quite feel the event is exactly appropriate and this is all from what I’ve heard so I guess you can say this is somewhat biased.
Club Q shooting
From what I’ve seen based on social media, there was a drag bar for homosexuals called Club Q and there was someone who was seriously against the idea. He shot and killed 5 people and injured around 25-28 people. Which these numbers vary from different sources.
Personally the shooting was horrific and I don’t agree that it should have ever happen regardless of who or what the victims were or believed for.
The idea of a drag bar I don’t agree with as well, as a Christian I believe that homosexuality isn’t right, but if someone chooses to be that, then I won’t dislike them anymore than anyone else because of that choice.
One thing I did hear was something about making the drag bar a family friendly place and some people were taking their kids to it. (I’m not sure if this is true or just biased lies) I don’t think children should be subjected to anything like that even up until high school because children don’t even think of romantic relationships until they’re much older to understand it better. This even goes for movies and shows that appeal to kids, but throw homosexual scenes. The shows claim to show a better and safer world for homosexuality, but I don’t find children’s movies a great place to present this.
Even in public places such as drag bars trying to convince kids it’s alright to be homosexual. Kids might feel pressured into certain lifestyles and usually reflect off their parents or idles behaviors and actions. So I feel children could be pressured into becoming homosexual because they were taken or viewed stuff like this.
I don’t agree with a drag bar and especially not if it’s for children (if what I heard is true). But sadly I disagree with the shooting even more.
I don’t think anyone should take the life of anyone and I feel it’s up to God to decide when someone comes home. I don’t like discrimination towards anyone, even though as a White, Straight male, I still get discriminated because of that, I don’t believe in ever doing it myself. I feel we should all grow stronger together instead of forcing out ideals into others and into splitting us apart. Some people fail to see this and push their believes too far or cause some people to harm people for it, such as the shooting that occurred.
The media has blown up because of the situation and now everyone is fighting each other over the event. The news can be a very deadly weapon, used to separate and destroy everyone apart. Black Lives Matter, Pride, etc, have mostly been attempts for supporters to gain superiority over the average person because of their beliefs. After seeing many views on many different rallies and such, I don’t agree with any of it, but I also don’t agree they should be punished for what they believe in. If someone chooses what they believe in, that’s their choice and theirs alone. I wouldn’t dislike them any less, but I also don’t agree that they should push their believes into others or even persuade or present these beliefs to children. I feel they should a least be mature or old enough to make the decision for themselves instead of feeling pressured into any of it.
And I know there’s probably a lot of good people who have their own beliefs but won’t dislike anyone for what they are. But there will always be the few that make everyone look bad. I even know that there are Christians or claim to be Christian who go around and commit serious acts of sin and hatred towards people with different beliefs. You just have to remember that one serious action from one person doesn’t describe everyone.
This is merely my opinion and mine alone from what I’ve heard and seen over the last years. You can choose to believe it or not, it wouldn’t make me think any different for your own choices.
I feel this might start an argument so if anyone believes different, just kindly let me know because a majority of this is based from what I’ve heard over the event and from the years of discrimination that if someone has other insight, I’ll be happy to hear it out.