The Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny 2

If you measure value by pop culture then yes the confederacy did not have as big of an influence. They… Didn’t fight a war lol.


just finished the new pokemon game and the ending is… extremely dark (SPOILER WARNING)

Basically the professor of the region created a machine that brought in either pokemon from the past or the future(depending on which version you’re playing) and their dream was for pokemon from a different timeframe live peacefully with the pokemon of the present which would cause great ecological damage but they didn’t really care about that, they also created an ai robot version of themselves, the real human professor gets legit killed by a pokemon from a different timeframe while the ai lives on, the ai recognizes that the machine poses a great danger to the ecosystem but cannot turn it off as it is literally imbued the personality and memories of the professor, so it’s programming wouldn’t let it destroy the professor’s dream, so it calls upon you to turn it off, after you attempt to turn it off the ai doesn’t let you and forces you into a battle, using only pokemon of another timeframe, it keeps glitching and the text is all weird, all while the coolest battle theme ever plays.

yeah the ending is extremely dark and cool at the same time


Has there been a game that you have seen completely demolished or saved from failure by being absorbed into a corporate company?



not any that i can think of :confused:


Idk yet, maybe Ohio buys Wal-Mart, spreads the store chain globally, then publicly announces their purchase of the store brand and uses the distraction to try and take over the world but Gamougg tries to stop them.

Or (more likely) Gamougg 5 and CubeTales 3 tell the same story from two different perspectives. Gridspike, a greedy businessman who is the main villain of the interquel CubeTales: Sparks of War who escaped to Japan at the end of the game, is revealed to be Gamougg’s dimension-hopping cousin who traveled between worlds before the Gamougg and CubeTales universes merged in CubeTales 2. He tries to continue his previous plan in Japan, but with parallel universe versions of himself (plus one who was born in Ohio). Gamougg 5 tells the story of Gamougg summoning the parallel versions of himself, the final battle and the epilogue. CubeTales 3 tells the story of everything leading up to that and therefore must and will be released first.

Edit: I forgot to mention Gamougg and Aurora’s wedding would happen in the 5th game and set up Gamougg 6. This is deep lore. The game’s epilogue would even explain how the next protagonist of the Gamougg franchise came to be. :smirk:


Flowlab relatable problem ep. 1:
Ok, so i want to make a feature where you can continue your game from your last saved position, or choose to start from the beginning. I can implement both of them, and I also worked out exactly how to make an autosaving system in my head. BUT, here’s the problem. I have neither the inspiration/motivation to make any of this.


Take this inspiration when you lose your MOTIVATION for making games


Logically, Wal-Mart is way too big of a corporation for even a government to invest in. Unless Wal-Mart slips up and practically hands the company over to an Ohio owner, I don’t see this being very realistic, but I’m sure you might have a twist for that.


Also Titan Fall 2 was on sale on steam so I immediately grabbed it. It was rated highly of my friends and I just say it’s one of the best campaign style games over ever experienced. Along with Halo 2. Reach is on my list I have yet to play.

My childhood was kind of stricken from me so I never got to experience the best games everyone knows by memory so I’m trying to catch up, lol.


i wish i had steam bro. literally my whole wishlist is on sale (it’s like 7 games)


this is so good :musical_score: :fire:

Titanfall is like Minecraft, the two words are one word with only the first word being capitalized. You only space the two words out if you’re above the age of 30.

Damn bro, comparable to Halo 2? I gotta look into this, but right now I have my mind set on Sonic Frontiers because almost every new piece of media I try (anime, TV show, movie, video game, book, etc.) is something I try because the I listened to one song from it and it goes hard.

Oh okay. I wasn’t thinking too deeply about this; it’s just a random thought I had because “Gamougg is a meme series”. I have no twist for that by the way.


I just got it so I don’t have the name 100% memorized grammatically.

From what I’ve played it’s a super detailed game with an amazing story. I highly recommend.

It’s apparently in the same universe as apex so it has a lot of the same weapons and stuff.


Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dwayne Johnson GIF - Dwayne The Rock Johnson Dwayne Johnson Dwayne GIFs

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Nice! Btw my pfp is rcreger’s fanart, I asked, and he let me use it as my pfp.

Also I drew Gamougg in my manga extracurricular class today in an awesome pose with awesome black armor and cool shapes, but the highlight was the Among Us shoulderpads.

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zamn i wish i had that in my school

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I looked it up just now and the program isn’t in America, which your profile states (see what I did there?) you’re in


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feelin’ sketchy