The Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny 2

I decided to censor it because it’s more about social views that I view probably shouldn’t be publicly shown on a game development forums because even on the off topic channel, I feel it’s still quite irreverent.


One thing I didn’t understand was how when it’s national women’s month or pride month, it’s almost like they are put upon a pedestal over everyone else because of that trait. I know the original meaning of the event probably had good intentions, but the world today only see themselves more superior than the few people who hate on it and it doesn’t look good for anyone.

I think it was November how it was men’s nation mental health awareness month. Not a single post or newsfeed was ever posted about it except a few towards the end who stated this exact same phenomenon.
When it’s pride month and women’s month or anything else, everyone’s on board, but because there’s a few white straight males out there who ruin it for everyone, we are now the most single hated race and gender because of a few bad apples and events that had happen back in history. I wasn’t born in the 1800s and I wasn’t a slave owner. Never have I ever harmed women or ever spoke ill of them, yet I’ll still be treated like everyone else as a convict of these immoral values that are stereotyped into men.

I have never been personally effected, but I’ve seen the conflict online and just seeing it alone makes me concerned for the worlds future.

And I’m not speaking out just in defense as it doesn’t offend me, but the fact that just about anything else would offend others. Probably just me saying this will most likely offend someone.
I’m not going to say that I’m entirely correct, but I have noticed the corruption and sin of the world and I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon.


Technically it’s treating any person differently than yourself because of race. Even avoiding a certain race of people on the street could still be racist. Because of stereotypical views you may have.

The bomb memes for example was quite uncalled for, because there’s probably a lot of good people who are Muslim, but just because there’s a few extremists back then who terrorized other countries doesn’t seem everyone that. Muslims weren’t the only ones that have done this. There’s been much worse conflicts regarding other races of people. One specifically in WWII.


Apparently you didn’t read what i said

All I said was that racism isn’t anything to be proud of. As a white straight male, which you may feel like your treated like a racist because of that, means you should never except that and you should stand up for yourself.
Technically it’s racism from other people when they assume such things onto you, but it’s never showed like that in the media. Just the opposite.


can you take joke

Not everything’s a joke.


Why because you can’t take one

There’s serious topics that can never be seen as a joke. You may think it is, but in reality it’s only uncovering ones behavior and how they only see the world as a laughing matter, when in fact it’s a serious situation we all are in.

There’s things to joke about. Racism, being a large social concern for hundreds of years and is still being heavily practiced today by those who only think of themselves as superior above everyone else.

If you find that funny, then I guess you can call it a “joke”. That our world is slowly dividing apart. Soon everything will be so broken, there won’t be anything to joke about.


Guess I’ll just make a joke about that when it happens

Kiwi, you’re really pushing the limits of what’s acceptable. I won’t argue about this because you’re going to continue to make jokes that no one finds funny and there is nothing I could do to make you stop.


If you do want to continue with this type of humor, try the off-topic channel on discord, agent y is more active there and he might honestly think you’re funny (But I don’t think this is quite his type of humor)


I agree with this. I don’t think lgb is correct nor good for our nation/world, but I’m not gonna hate a person for a decision I disagree with, otherwise everybody hates everyone else. I do hate people calling me a homophobic bigot, closed minded, and the scum of existence when I don’t celebrate something I don’t agree with.


If I made a joke about someone’s dead mother or father they have every right to be mad at me. This is an excellent positive community, please keep your outlook and comments positive and uplifting to others.


What are the most unique game mechanics you’ve seen? (Flowlab or otherwise)


Not sure, I think that one tetris like game made for the summer flowjam was pretty interesting. I also guess my level builders were pretty unique, but if I made them again they would be much better


Crazy to think that compared to the Summer 2022 Flowjam I technically have twice the amount of experience with Flowlab since then. wow


I once saw a horror game for the gamecube that messes with your TV’s settings once your sanity gets too low


Ooh that’s pretty interesting


Also, I think Cappy from Mario Odyessy is a really cool mechanic. It mixed into the game so well and gives Mario such diverse movement options


Flowlab Game Creator - Escape The MiND_