The Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny 2

isn’t that amazing and i got all 6!

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guess how much makuta is worth?


I believe so, but I’m straying away from live action figures and more towards Transformers 86, The Movie or the classic G1 cartoon.


“GI Jane two, can’t wait to see it! Oh, Richard, ha ha ha ha! Ough!”

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Ok but why?

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i used to like transformers

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Me too until I recently rewatched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen after going on Transformers: The Ride 3D at Universal Studios Orlando.

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i hate the movies


The live actions movies are nostalgic as they were my favorite growing up, but they are pretty inaccurate and have many mistakes. Like how The Last Knight explained the autobots being around even before WWII, but the bumblebee movie showing bumblebee arriving on Earth in 1987.
At first I thought the knightverse was a different series from the Bayverse movies, but turns out it’s the same universe so it doesn’t make much sense.

Also most of the mainline figures based on the live action movies are terrible in design and usually have large backpacks in their robot mode where half of the vehicle mode is stored. Like TLK Barricade and AOE Lockdown are terrible figures in my opinion.

I collected all of the constructicons because they were actually unique and were triple changers, forced to utilize every joint and piece making them decent figures.

There are a few figures I would still like to collect like the original Autobot cast from the 07 movie along with any version of Optimus or bumblebee since they usually hold their value plus have the coolest alt modes.
The decepticons aren’t bad, but most of their cybertronian modes are kind of goofy and just looked like the robot is just mangled into a cube or something. Like Megatrons tank has his head positioned on the front below the turret, making the tank design look weird.

Although if I do find a figure for a good price, I’m not gonna turn it down. But when it comes to buying brand new retailed price figures, I have a small selection.


rgc no8


You are terrifyingly knowledgeable about that.


I love first three movies, the giant epic robot battles, the transformations, the music, everything almost.

I consider Bumblebee to be part of a separate universe based what we know so far about Rise of the Beasts and how that movie takes place in the 90s. ROTB can’t be part of the Bayverse because it has Optimus Prime in it and Optimus didn’t arrive on Earth until 2007 according to the first film. I haven’t watched AOE in years and never watched TLK because IPTV (not to be confused with IMDB) having it in poor quality.

Yeah DOTK Leader Class Bumblebee looks crazy complicated, no wonder why my kindergarten self broke him on the front steps of his grandmother’s house just trying to transform him.

Cool I agree

My biggest gripe with them are their colors. Why are they all grey?

Me too. As much as I like Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, I am mostly searching for Decepticons because I don’t have that many villain toys, Transformers or otherwise.


Yeah they make most of the decepticons a full color and their designs are kind of boring.

Finding Decepticon figures is a pain considering all of the newer ones are usually voyager class or higher, making any decent army expensive. Back in the day, they were deluxe class and affordable, but are now costly because of their value.
I have a few current decepticons as a deluxe figure, but most are kind of generic and not any of the iconic ones.

I ended up picking up a children’s version of Shockwave just because the robot mode was pretty cool. Sadly it lacked knee joints and was very generic, it was only like $16 and it stands proudly on my shelf.

Even the constructicons was expensive to obtain. There was 2 deluxe figures, 2 leader class figures, and 4 voyagers (5 if you include skipjack).


I choose to believe they are separate as well since it just makes more sense than trying to collide two entirely different stories into the same series.


Bumblebee Soundwave is around $57 CAD on Amazon :skull: so yeah true

May I ask which one? In Canada (my country) a tiny Studio Series Shockwave is being sold from the Bumblebee movie and is also $16. Also Ravage from the same movie too.


They have the Studio Series Core class Shockwave along with a WFC version for only like $10-$12 in the US from what I’ve seen in stores. Although online it’s around $16 currently.

The one I bought was at a Walgreens for something and it’s the same size as a voyager class, but it transformers in like 10 steps. I don’t know the actual series it’s from except it’s from Hasbro. The figure looked good since it’s a G1 figure, but the vehicle mode is some wacky space ship so he’s just displayed as a robot on my shelf.

I just looked it up. It’s Transformers Generations Cyber Battalion Shockwave and the price is now up to $25 on Amazon.


Nice! I added it to my shopping bookmark folder. I found this combiner after clicking on the brand and thought you might like it:


I saw that one too. The tonka diaclone of Devastator.

I had a chance to get a G1 devastator reissue at Walmart for $60 and now it fetches for more than twice that amount. I wish I had gotten it at the time, but oh well.

I have an original G1 Longhaul, but that’s about it.

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hey @ManiacPumpkin did you know makuta from bionicle is worth 100$

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I’ve been trying to collect all of the Legacy Menasor figures. Sadly the only one I’ve been able to get is Dragstrip and their insanely overpriced to buy them online.

I still need Motormaster, Wildrider, Deadend, and Breakdown.