The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3


Paladin Prism

Attack: 17
Magic: 34
Defense: 57
Health: 79
Weapon: True Providence

Pyromancer Ruginapugus

Attack: 18
Magic: 46
Defense: 1
Health: 16
Weapon: Horned Spellblade

Knight DW

Attack: 20
Magic: 15
Defense: 5
Health: 20
Weapon: Shadow Sword

Barbarian Aya

Attack: 34
Magic: 10
Defense: 69
Health: 93
Weapon: Chill Edgelord

The Beheaded

Attack: 40
Magic: 0
Defense: 70
Health: 100
Weapon: Vorpan

Apolla Selene

Attack: 30
Magic: 25
Defense: 15
Health: 75
Weapon: Staff Of The Stars

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