The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

Sure, what are their stats and weapon?

I grab the guide’s head and shoot fire at it through my eye/star

Oh no! The masters plan is unveiled, looks like the Peng mastermind has appeared, it snaps its underling out of existence and starts braying!!!


My Character:

Name: Apolla Selene
Attack: 30
Weapon:Staff of the Stars

Are these too OP or not enough?

Peng Boss: HOHOHO, you are all foolish to come here…

Oh yeah, okay game paused

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 4.49.56 PM


Paladin Prism

Attack: 17
Magic: 34
Defense: 57
Health: 79
Weapon: True Providence

Pyromancer Ruginapugus

Attack: 18
Magic: 46
Defense: 1
Health: 16
Weapon: Horned Spellblade

Knight DW

Attack: 20
Magic: 15
Defense: 5
Health: 20
Weapon: Shadow Sword

Barbarian Aya

Attack: 34
Magic: 10
Defense: 69
Health: 93
Weapon: Chill Edgelord

The Beheaded

Attack: 40
Magic: 0
Defense: 70
Health: 100
Weapon: Vorpan

Apolla Selene

Attack: 30
Magic: 25
Defense: 15
Health: 75
Weapon: Staff Of The Stars

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Yea, those stats are good.

These are good, pretty balanced, but whats important is that you come up with a signature trait

Ok, what would that be exactly? Like a physical trait or a personal trait?

Okay, game resumed

The Peng Boss farts a rather flatulent smell, covering the battlefield with a stanky scent…

I say: ‘‘You are the real fool, i have gone beyond death, a mere penguin does not scare me, i will feast upon your charred corpse’’

anything you want, just something that makes it it

I say: And I can’t even die, i’ll just take over a new body if I do. (reply to pug)

I then light a fire in my hand, making the the flatulence explode.

The Peng Boss responds to you like you’re a child: “■■■■ y fa rt f art, I shall make you Part with this life with a rather far ty F ART.” It finishes its sentences with a satisfied smirk, clearly, its the bigger man

My Light Barrier protects the party from harm.

Uhhhh filter?