The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

That is fun, do you think it would be allowed to help test games if you are not competing in the flowjam?

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What? The game, what topic are you directing this to?

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No no not the game, I was wondering if demo testing games, if participants want to keep their games a secret, was allowed because I won’t be in the flowjam so I wondered if I could demo test.

Oh, well maybe… I haven’t done much in the game, just setting up.

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Yup, but if needed, could someone else demo test or would that be considered competing.

I am going insane. I absolutely hate making main menus. Same thing, over and over and over again. I finished the main menu. Finally, finished. I just want to collapse in bed, XD. Anyway, I have to work now, bye.


You need to focus on the game first in my opinion, but I don’t want to discourage you. Just remember that you’re in a game jam, not a book jam.


Yes, I know. The story is a small part of the game, but a useful one. I think the game is pretty good so far. I just need to convert all of my spare time over the next two weeks to game work…Yeah…


I am making a sort of Dev Log for my FlowJam game. Please vote on the poll.

(Also, I need help with something:



I personally enjoy making menus for my games, some of the times.

I usually just copy the code from my previous games to speed it up, but I try to make each menu unique for it’s the face of the game.

But I wouldn’t work on the menu until the game is close to finish, as it’s not a necessity, but adds a lot more polish to it. So don’t worry too much on it.


Im back! what did i miss?

now that im back everyone left
@ARRTY @paisleypug are you guys there?
(this is just as lonely as the abyss)

It tends to be like this in the evening.

well at least bee is here

Not for long though.

well ■■■■, is anyone else on?

Not that I am aware of. Code Alpaca was on but not anymore.

(i might as well return to the abyss)

Well have fun down there, i’ll stay here.