The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

i eat it’s charred remains(i’m quite hungry, when i lived in the forest bear was my favorite type of meat)

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The bear recovers from the stun and starts wildly swinging,

The bear… offended by your attitude charges towards you…

I reapear with the new
“mentaly unstable status effect”
i have been driven mad and will kill anything with 6ft of me with my sword

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The bear rams into the pyro, triggering its anger… the pyro now has increased damage
-10 hp to pyro

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fortunately, a small group of furries appear… in a muderous rage, you slaugter them all

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I am fatally wounded, In a last ditch attempt i cast ‘‘FLAME MARTYR’’ Melting all ice within a 100 meter area, i then combust

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did I say fortunately? I meant Un- fortunate

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Now that my magic has recharged, I cast Light Barrier once more, protecting the team from harm.

The bear, with no where else to go, sinks into the water, its frigid waters sinking into its injuries, the light barrier shields everyone from the cold

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it gives me the “bloodlust” status effect!
my shadowy body, once hidden by my jet black cloak is now revealed as a mess a tentcles eys and teeth

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The bear sinks down, while all of you watch… watch DW slaughter more furries in admirance

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any sense of humanity i had is lost

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I like how everyones mental health suffers way more than physical :laughing:

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my ashes fade into the sky, forming an image of me, i say ‘‘goodbye, i hope god accepts me into heaven, it was nice knowing you, amigos.’’ there is no trace of me left

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i return to my hidden form, the clock now once again covering my eldritch body

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While on the outside I appear cold and stoic, internally I am screaming.

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this is how i look in my cloak btw

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With no one still mentally stable, you retreat, to come back another day…

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(without @paisleypug we must search for a new party memeber)

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