The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

Impossible. Loops don’t work like that.

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is there any other way to have it where you have a object and if that object is removed or deleted it will destroy the whole game?

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is anyone still on anymore?

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Certainly. Simply make a timer delay so it doesn’t activate every frame, or just use an always block with a switch.

i found a way, now we just have to wait

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Epicness increased to 69

Immersion increased to 100

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@ManiacPumpkin Heres the combiner.


The only gripe I have with Skyrim is its portrayal with female characters. Sure, have strong women, I don’t care, and even use the traditional household roles for most of the NPCs. It’s immersive. I just hate that every single piece of female armor immediately loses 90% of its coverage compared to males. It’s both immersion breaking and just weird. A bikini is not armor.


I can’t wait for new Sheldrake music. Until then, here’s a random video from him.

Oh, yeah, I saw the combined form, I thought you were talking about the individual figures for it. That’s actually impressive considering they are Hero Factory pieces. I don’t usually mess with those type of pieces, mostly since I don’t have many and it’s hard to make detailed figures with them.


Flowlab movie 2 is finished, will have a private test screening in my Discord server tomorrow.

Edit: the unlisted video link is now up in my server, for any Flowlab users who want to watch it.

So true. It only makes a little bit of sense when the character is peak physical fitness and/or musculature (like in the movie 300), and even that may be a stretch.

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Am I allowed to post drawing’s with guns in them?


literally me rn:


Here? Yes. On our discord? Certainly. On other channels? I’m not sure.

I imagine the answer will usually be yes, as this is a game development forum and a lot of games have guns. Either way, I see nothing wrong with it.


Wow, how many in total is that??

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Hey there guys, If you are @CodeAlpaca, @Hong_Jooni_Pooni, or @DinoDev. I just wanted to let you know that @Teaslee is sick today and she can’t do any of her assignments for her classes.
(Dino, I know your class hasn’t started yet but I figured I would let you know anyway.)


Oh wow, that’s really good. I just got a 900-piece Lego set.

I hope she gets better soon.


You’re welcome, those nice replies are all from me, XD.

Also, I finally changed my Xbox gamertag, I’m the Halo Enforcer now.


Oof, hope she gets better.