The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

Apparently gazpacho doesn’t exist.


I mean global warming. It could happen.


So the ocean is gazpacho?


Get off Roblox now.

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Yeah pretty much, there’s definitely some vegetables in there.

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i know, roblox s.ucks, it used to be a cool site with plenty good games, but now its horrible and filled with degenerates, i logged on for the first time in three years, say the piles of terrible content, what a shame it ended up that way


Have you guys played Bad Business on roblox? It’s the only game I play on roblox.

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Nope, it doesn’t have as salt, meat, or vegetables in it.
Therefore, it’s not a soup.


I did till I started boycotting Roblox. It’s pretty decent.

Skyrim update

On our quest to vanquish the Vampires, our party successfully tracked down and rescued a priest who helped us regain and read the Elder Scroll from the vampires. Elder scrolls are mythic items that can surpass time and space itself to let the reader gain knowledge unkowable. Through this we found the location of Auriel’s Bow, a magical weapon used by the ancient Snow Elves thousands of years ago. We also rescued and recruited Gelebor, the last snow elf alive, to our party. Unfortunately, the terrible trek to get to the Snow Elf temple was horrifyingly brutal. We lost Belrand the Mighty before we even began to bandits and Marcurio the mage for hire from a disturbing drowning incident. Through the Falmer caves as we battled horrid mutations of elves that were tortured by Dwarves, Agmaer the Young was cut down by the enemy, Celann the Vampire Slayer incinerated by a dragon ambush, Jenassa shot to death whilst swimming through a ravine, and our lovely bard Sven run through by an imperial watch party. The worst moment, however, was when a zombie overlords killed our dog Meeko! However, the true killer of our band of heroes was the chilling wind and long journey. The last two days of our journey we had run completely out of food and supplies, having no more arrows, potions, or, most importantly, food. The bitter cold also nearly killed my character several times. From the fourteen that began our adventure, only seven survived, with the additional eighth from the snow elf’s joining. All that remains now is to attack the vampiric castle.


@John_Shrekinson i once again requesting to be in the flowlab movie 3

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You gonna break into his home?

nah (loads shotgun) i have other ways…


hey guys, heres a little prototype for a 2d shooter, in the full game it would be a sand box game in a ruined city infested with zombies, you could build massive bases, etc , there would be a hidden story, but its opitnial like in minecraft, if your intrested let me know

Hi guys! I wasn’t open this morning because I had to attend a long Judo class and play Halo 5 Guardians.

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Is this you playing? It’s not too bad (The playing), but the game is the worse version of Halo, XD.

It’s not me playing and the game is better then most modern fps games.


It will always be inferior to Halo, both in graphics and in gameplay.

Yay! @teaslee just gave me a nice reply.


Yeah I guess I did without realizing XD


I always like a post with 9 likes, no matter how old.