The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

I haven’t heard many good things about halo. I stick to Battlefield and more realistic games when it comes to FPSs.


Strange. You should go check it out. The graphics (for every other Halo than CE & 2) are crazy. It’s 3D and… well… just go play it, XD. Halo 4, 5, and Infinite check all of the FPS boxes. Halo 5: guardians is 10-30 USD, I think.

It depends. I heard the halo multiplayer games weren’t very good. But I’ve only played the campaigns, which are amazing. Mostly for the story.
Halo Reach, and ODST I heard were the best out of the campaigns. While the rest are just behind. I don’t have any complaints so far on just the campaigns. I actually recommend them.

I do feel they are very linear and sometimes predictable, at least in Halo 1 so far in my gameplay, but other than that, the mechanics aren’t very off in terms of most campaign games, but the story is amazing.


Those are amazing, but Halo 5 and Infinite are the highest quality, with a lot more nature too.

I like to play multiplayer more than anything else. It gives the best customization prizes.


Since they are the newest, the games generally include better graphics and features than the rest.

But the age doesn’t effect the amazing story the others also had.


Yeah, but the guns are a little worse, considering that Halo CE guns auto killed to matter where one shot, XD.

I was finally able to watch Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse!
It was fricking amazing! The art style was so beautiful and full of love, the story was great. It was awesome.


And that’s where you’re JUSTPLAINWRONG.


I haven’t played them yet, I’ve only played Reach, half of Halo 1, and a little bit of Halo 2. But I heard that the later games weren’t as good.



I don’t typically play games with a lot of fantastical violence, meaning just crazy death with no repercussions, and I’ve heard that’s what Halo is. I could be wrong but though. I’ve always intended to at least try it someday when I’m not broke.

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I hope this spiderverse/puss in boots artstyle sticks around. I like the old comic book style art.


Who doesn’t?

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Because every multiplayer shooter is a worse version of Halo.

@_Gato I have a feeling that you’d enjoy Dusk, it’s mainly singleplayer focused although there is multiplayer. It’s only 16.99.

I just beat “Elementally, My Dear Watson” for the first time.

Only click if you've beat the game

You know, I thought it was weird that a “dead body” could hold up a note.

JUSTPLAINOP is Fireteam Osiris (not Buck tho) :nerd_face: while the rest of Flowlab is Blue Team :muscle:

Magnum takes skill. Both the original CE Magnum and it in Halo 5 take 3 headshots to kill. It’s my favorite gun in Halo; I only pick up Plasma pistols and rifles if I wanna take out shields or blow stuff up. Otherwise I use the UNSC’s weapons to raze the Covenant forces to the ground (and punch their bodies repeatedly for the blood splattering fun, only Halo Combat Evolved players would understand).

ZAMN emoji


My strongest opinion of all time is that old Halo is better than new Halo. If Mhx Air (Flowlab's strongest Halo player and fan) can't convince you of the truth and free you from 343's lies and deception, I don't know who can.
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cold soup exists plus the ocean is salty


A Michelin star restaurant literally melted a lamb shank into a soup then served it cold


The movie is now out in HD! :tada:

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