The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

I would probably take it to a private message or something. I know the otc is for anything unrelated to flowlab, but I know it’s blowing up your notifications. I really didn’t feel like reading 270 posts myself, but it took a while just to skim through.


Flowlab Dungeons and Dragons


ok why do i just have like this feeling that maniac would be the best fricking dm?

EDIT: replied to the wrong msg :sweat_smile:


meant to reply to this one. also legit all the dnd rules would be so much better than what we have rn but its fine for what they are trying to do


could i dm maybe? you guys will have to tell me the rules yall made up but I think I might do pretty good

I’ve done DM before

I plan to dm my own session with some friends, but trying to find active members is difficult, lol.


for real ive been dming for some peeps on another site but we haven’t played in months because they arent active a lot XD

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update on house fire:

fire dep came took out our stove (its fricked up) told us our microwave is fricked up and called in cleaning services they told us our microwave is fricked up and called in some beefy giga chads to set up some air cleaning things to get rid of the charred smell. they told us our microwave is fricked up. we slept at an air bnb and are waiting for the people to finish cleaning the burnt kitchen (and prob tell us our microwave is fricked up). We called insurance and while we will have to pay them they are covering any burnt cabinets, cups, etc. They are also replacing our microwave (which is fricked up) and our stove (also fricked up).


update on any injuries during the fire:

I still have a raspy throat from inhaling smoke and I pulled several muscles trying to deal with things yesterday. I’m tired out o my mind (and I think so is the rest of my fam) idk whats going with my mom and my sister (they are out o the house) so i will tell you if they all good when i see them again

update on my mental state: fricking scared of fire and cooking with oil :smiley:

just when i thought i will have no more mental blocks or phobias ( such as how I’m scared of bikes after breaking both my legs and arms on a bike) now I’m afraid of making fricking hash browns for breakfast XD. i sound sarcastic but I’m actually currently laughing about this lol (its better to laugh about everything to hide from what’s really hurting if you laugh at the pain the pain will leave I would know from XP )

also before yall do what others did when I said I was scared of bikes imagine having a good time at the beginning of summer then hitting a stick losing control of the bike launching of the front and into the middle of the road but still rolling. then imagine you roll down a semi steep hill and here a cracking sound and you cant get up. then having to drag youself to the door screaming for your family using your mangled-looking arms. not even able to stand. in pain and bleeding. its not fun lol.


I am currently DMing. Let me say, a random encounters table saved my campaign many times. get ready for them to do everything you don’t want them to do!


maybe sing country?
idk, hope you get better


Geez, that’s rough. I hope you’ll be OK.

I’ve never had any major injuries. You’re a very brave person.


Human bodies are simultaneously the toughest and most fragile things.

I had all the skin of my left arm scrape off onto the sidewalk as a kid and felt nothing, but stub my toe and I’ll start cursing like a sailor.


One of my core memories is when my grade 5 teacher either tripped or stubbed her toe (I forgot) and swore quietly. News travelled fast and I’m sure everybody still remembers.



Is the second picture a spider woman from the new movie?

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(i think its a… anime joke)

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hey @JUSTPLAINOP any updates on the job i gave you a MONTH ago?

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Which job? I can’t find a way for the ‘mouse click’ to trigger the tommy gun. I’ve tried everything (That I know).

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