The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 3

what? please take that down

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uuuhhhh, here, this might help
Flowlab Game Creator - Repeat+ Example
and i thought @CodeAlpaca gave you the awnsers

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Yes, I know of that example. I donā€™t get what repeats or how the bundle will help with the tommy gun.

I also donā€™t know how a one-way switch would help.

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bro wth, you look like you have 5 different anime body pillows

ask @CodeAlpaca to just give you a screen shot of the code

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No itā€™s a Spider-Man version of Hatsune Miku, a popular singer.


yes, it is hastune miku, a popular singer often portrayed as a anime girl


Iā€™ve never heard of her.

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yeah, thats a good thing, ive only ever heard of her

Sheā€™s really cool and isnā€™t anime. My sister is a bigger fan of her but I still think Miku has some good songs, most of which are in Japanese. Most of the English songs Iā€™ve heard Miku sing (sheā€™s a voice software) are just covers of existing English songs. Donā€™t let DWGAME gaslight you into believing that she sucks until you hear her music for yourself.


to clarify


Oh, never mind. I have seen that ā€˜animeā€™ model hundreds of times. I had no idea that it was a singer.


Can someone help? Everyone ignores the help category and I need help with this little thing.

I need help with switching powers in my Vironia game.

This is the code I have so far. I need a way to stop one power when the player presses the button for another power (And switch to the power).

Please help. This is the OTC after all.

Iā€™ve played in several sessions as a player and Iā€™ve seen where the players either spend the time fighting each other, or absolutely violating the enemies to the point they are just victims.

Itā€™s hilarious to watch, but I can see it being a huge burden on the dm. I made the story more strict where enemies are kind of powerful instead of just fodder. That way you donā€™t have time or the chance to purposely mistakes.

I will have some freedom for encounters or exploration, but the players will be limited in specific actions. The goal is to find players who are more dedicated the story than the actual gameplay, but there hasnā€™t been anyone Iā€™ve found, lol.


Even if this is a jokeā€¦ To clarify, He doesnā€™t. We are in the same house.



this is a joke pls dont start a fight over this


well, im guessing heā€™s ur brother then?
one, you need to work n ur anger issues, but two: im still glad you stood up for your brother like that.


I just watched markiplier play a fear assessment game and it was made by Alexander_Wiseman, a past flowlab user.

I thought that was pretty cool for such recognition.


Bro you need to catch up.

I do not have anger issues. So please stop bringing it up and Be quiet.

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To catch up, I suggest to look at his profile, he mentioned that heā€™s my older brother (not that older)

Beheaded man was my old name

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