Me too, I think this is getting a little out-of-control.
Good then! Now No one continue the discussion on Ip adresses.
If I was to write out how to tell you how to craft a bow would it be two strings or two string? What do you guys think?
Why do you lie so much?
Two string.
It would be three string
Wait am I thinking of a fishing rod’s crafting recipe then?
Oh, yeah lol. Never say the actual plural of an object. Like no: Stack of stones.
Yeah lol, bow is 3 sticks and 3 string
Wow ok thanks for the correction.
dude it seems like you just come up with things that are total lies to try to give yourself a pedestal in a small genuine gamedev community, but only pushing yourself further downwards because it’s outright ridiculous sounding
we are NORMAL people, and most NORMAL people don’t like liars GGs
I thought you were talking about a literal bow because I knew a Minecraft bow was 3 string lol
that’s not my ip, but okay brobro
Its the flowlab Ip
@hi4250five You’re digging yourself a giant hole rn.
I’m telling you to stop now before it gets much worse for you.
it’s literally based on the other side of the country
lying again
Maybe the servers ig, Grazer lives in Florida