The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 5

Normally video games don’t make me cry but last year I found one that did. I still love it.

(That game was OMORI.)

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You should try Halo Reach. Its ending is very violent and Hyper-realistic.


I love violence! But I think I’ll stick with survival games and RPG’s for now.

Although I do play SOME shooter games.

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Although I was mostly replying to Extrez, but if there’s an issue regarding something like that, then I would personally take it up with hi4250five and let him know your standpoint on referencing your work. Normally most people don’t mind it so some people just assume you can freely use other people’s work as a reference. (Not directly stealing)

I personally don’t see how it would put someone on a “fake pedestal” since it’s displaying how they have an interest in your art style or theme, but I can see if you don’t want the extra attention, cause I, myself, can see it become annoying to have to deal with.

I do know what you mean by feeling like your work is devalued, I’ve seen a lot of people who write fanfics or make fangames over existing content, just to make it super cringe or completely ruin the original content, plus it makes it even worse when it becomes more popular than the original. If someone did something like that with my book series, I probably wouldn’t take it very well.
The only reason I’m more lenient of my works when it comes to flowlab or game design, is mostly because users can use existing content for references to just expand their knowledge and maybe experiment outside their own comfort zone. So, it’s not necessarily putting someone on a pedestal, but more like experimenting with an idea that someone had previously done.


I don’t know what’s going on, but I really dislike how even if I’m in a team made game, how I can’t use indie features. Coofin left for a few days and I cant do a lot because most of the issues are multiplayer ones.


This is the Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny, B00T987. It is used for off-topic discussion that would normally clog up topics.

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Thanks sadly I had to say more then just “Thanks” I had to add fat so I could post this.

How did you add that link to my message?

Just an FYI @B00T987 to bypass the 20 character minimum, you can add <> around a jumble of letters. It will hide the text but count towards the 20 characters.
So like this but without spaces
< qwertyuiop >


I use <Hello> with any amount of Os so I can bypass both the “20-character” limit and the “The sentence Does not make sense” thing.


already rotting in 8th period

Oh my that must succ.

I drew a new banner, it fits perfectly!



My feedback is 1 like… Pretty nice though!

By the way:

The banner dimensions for Flowlab are 29/8, if you want it to fit perfectly.


I just realized my Xbox didn’t turn on because I didn’t have the power connected :man_facepalming:
Playing omori RN.


i dont realy see any similaritys other than some of the color pallete but other than that its still fairly un-unique but its not plagiarizing


Feedback is… it seems like you completely threw my previous feedback out the window