The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 6

Hello, I’ve been working on my game.

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Maniac pumpkin wannabe

Dude do you make these memes yourself or do you find them somewhere?


Nintendo enjoyer

separate the art from the artist is what you gotta do

Im a sega and ps fan all the way 1k

except for Kirby right

Well miku… both are still trash bro? Cant find another… all or trash/mid


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Miku has separate artists

Thats why i said ALL

why insult the things I like

you forgot the rest of Miku is just wholesome family stuff and romance

separate the game from the fandom? I don’t know what else to say


Also i played deltarune, its just talking and not fun at all

Buddy we’re strapping a bomb collar to you and forcing you to rob a bank just like Brian Wells.

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We are friends, cant do that

bro forgot about the secret bosses, the other bosses, the normal enemy gameplay