The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 6

Yes, yes. I got up too early today and completely forgot about this, lol.


Overma’s got memes? :eyes:

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Wish I saw that earlier :skull:


Somebody tell me why this isn’t working.

It’s just supposed to play an animation in randomized intervals. :sob:

I am rlly loosing my grip on all this stuff.

Try Delay, then make sure the animation is looping. I think; I don’t COMPLETELY understand what you’re doing here.

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My little brother’s called me insane fro using full heat in the shower, thats normal right?

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Yeah I shower a little bit before full heat but I start a bit warm and then warm it up as I go

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I just go straight full heat

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Thats mad. DeadlyGumChewer is the true way.

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Better than my skin PEELING OFF–

Oh yeah I also need help
Ima bad proooogrammmmemeeeeerrrrrrrr–

What do you need help with?

Hol’ up.

Getting it reeeeaaalllll quick…!

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Got it.


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@JUSTPLAINOP and @meburningslime glad I could help. Hope y’all were on time to things lol.


“harry potter and the toilet of skibidi” - Google Search

Well, the reset input will stop the Timer immediately, which you can’t make a loop with, try wire the Random with the start input.

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reset does start it though
but yeah it still should connect with the start input