The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 7

better version*

my mom took away my switch just because i was slow to get ready this morning.

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nah that’s mad strict for no reason

yeah, but I also have to have C-'s or above to have it. I have 5 C-s and 2 F’s

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bro, nevermind that’s so unstrict
I got to get all A+ just to “Have at least a little happiness in life”

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oof, now I feel bad for you.

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that’s sad. it should be a B


nah, B is grounded
anything below a B (including B-) is a “FINISH HIM” scenario where I am beaten very brutally (but not enough for me to get extremely injured or die)

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your parents need to be more nice.

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:exploding_head: Nahhhh what why would anything below a B is a smackdown but then a B is grounded


its usually just my dad (no he isn’t drunk :confused: )
my mom just grounds me

what about a B+ what happens

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I just cant go out and play

I get that. my dad has a short temper.

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does my dad even have any other feeling towards me except disappointment and hatred?
find out next time!

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I’m sure that deep down he loves you.

yeah that’s what we all hopes
he told me to end myself
yeah he doesn’t love me :skull:

dang. that’s harsh. my dad doesn’t do that.

not all of us get a happy beginning, or end.

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hows cloud doing? I’m just curious.