The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 7

im working on wills gambit

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Cloud face reveal


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too big

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oh, ok then. anyway, I have no idea what to do

remix this

When someone gets a vocaloid (not saying this has any):

Me: Imagine paying almost 200 USD just for ai samples


its not ai but ok

(also yeah the price is insanely high)

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yeah, we should all stick to making a funny sound with our voice and reverbing it beyond comprehension like “bweup bwuep bwuep”

it is ai tho

its more like text to speech

Anyway here ya go JummBox
I only did minor edits

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Friendly fire will not be tolerated

its still an ai voice.

bro that’s an AI, Gemini is still in it’s experimental state you cant rely on it :skull:

plus you don’t study about it nor care about it how would you know

that’s why I said friendly fire will not be tolerated

I’ma study it just to spite you

Go ahead

To cease this arguing I will give you a link to look at

It’s my recording of a game I was playing