The Heart of Summer is a 2D sidescrolling platformer. In a world suffering an internal winter, Clover, an artistic witch volunteers to find the Heart of Summer, which has dissapeared into the Forest of the Seasons. Without the Heart of Summer, the season may never change, leaving the world in a state of winter. Armed with a Paintbrush infused with the power of Summer, she goes out in search so Summer may once again begin.
I’ll be posting a few updates and art for the game. This is my first flowlab game I’ve worked on for a while now, but I’m excited to see how it turns out.
Main Player(Clover) Animation Frames
Game Screenshot
Devlog #1
- Player Character animation and basic coding
- General Background and level design started
- Game mechanics established
Things to Do
- Work on Level Design
- Add Enemies
- Trees and More Detailed Backgrounds
- Health Established
- Parkour(Platforms and Spikes)
Paintbrush Animation Frames (Blue Slash Frames are Scrapped)
making a game called hear of summer in the middle of fall/winter
i like them, maybe make the brush tippointed so its clear its a brush
Random Shoutout!!!
Thank you Sweettea12345! He made the tree sprite for my game and even helped me with parallax and display order(Which saved my life!) He’ll be getting credits(As per usual) in the game as well.
Sweettea12345’s Tree Sprite
Devlog #2
- Trees and Parallax have been added
- 2nd Level Possibility
- Acid
- Health(Vitality) Bar Added
- More Spikes and Weak Bridges
- Walking Enemies
Things To Do
- Finalize 1st Level
- Add Some More To Backgrounds If Possible
- Start on 2nd Level
- More Difficult Game Mechanics
- Possibly A Game Menu
Walking Enemy Frames (Mushroom Dude)
Devlog #3
- 2nd Level Has Been Started
- Game Menu Plans Started
- 1st Level finalized
Things To Do
- Finish 2nd Level
- Work on Game Menu
- Add a Level To Explain Story and Plot
- Work on Game Ending
Gameplay Preveiw
mixels are the only issue i see
I legitimately thought the pixel sizes were all consistent.
Guess not…
its because the trees are resized
They weren’t resized. I think we just made them in the wrong pixel size, like size 3 instead of size 2 so it could be consistent.