The Original Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny

Also if it’s a vaccine that’s supposed to prevent you from getting Covid, why do you need a booster shot every six months? I still don’t understand that, lol.
I took one vaccine for measles back in my youth and I only needed one.

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The booster literally has the sane thing as the vaccine in it, it’s because the vaccine has only been proven to “work” for 80 days. (

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Then it would just be considered medication than a vaccine. Plus the “vaccine” came out only a year after Covid hit so it’s easily underdeveloped and not tested for long term effects. Which I’m sure it won’t do anything, but I’m not taking any chances.

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Agreed. If anyone disagrees do it civilly please, we are not animals lol

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Yeah, I could see someone barging into this and start calling us out. Which happened last time I said something about this on the forums. People are usually too quick to enforce their beliefs on others than actually look over and make a decision.
Like I said, and you stated it as well, that I really don’t care if you get the vaccine. It’s not a wrong answer and I won’t hate anyone for getting it. I’m just abiding by the constitution.

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Woah woah woah guys wth happened to reading my comic ._.


@hihilogic Dewit

I already uploaded episode 1: episode uno
Plus episode two: episode dos

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And this video here depicts me stealing food from my parents LwL

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Tbh Night Drive is just Megalovania but reworded TwT

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A highly underrated Teminite song

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I have asthma and I wear a mask every single day. I wear it to protect myself and others, and I will continue to wear it as long as it is necessary.


Well, you be you man. No one where I live wears masks except for like a few.





Frank Clewer built up 40,000 volts of electricity by wearing a nylon jacket. That’s over three times the amount needed to kill someone, but all he did is scorch his carpet. Which means we’ll need a carpet, some vibrating motors, and a shit ton of nylon jackets if we want to go on a murder spree ^w^


Also, just so you can gauge how spiky my hair is right now (damn you hairgel):

Ok, so it looks way less spiky in the picture, but you have to trust me on this one :[

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