The Original Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny


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you know everyone keeps telling me to stop playing games before i get caught but flowlab is not a game, nor is it’s community

send music,you need to do the test

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i feel like life is a game of luck and a singular downside in your personality could ruin your life or it could just make you suffer
so technically the community is a game,or playing one

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you are a really dark person

I know and only now i realise my mind probably makes dark jokes to cope with anxiety
seems like i didnt get the best results

I have finished the metal gear one…worth it, 9/10!

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i agree mgrr has a brilliant ost

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what is OST short for?

original sound track i think

it means official soundtrack,ust means unofficial soundtrack

btw the songs on the “upon a blackstar live” are actually remixes of his own songs that he completely overhalled, hard worked payed off!

congrats on being the 9100st post :+1:
also if i could like this i would

i ran out of likes too

cool i only have 15 hours left

if i could like myself I would run out of likes instantly self love

this message is completely irrelevent why does it have 2 replies it’s just a blank message


if i could like my own posts everything would stay the same

you are self loathing? or just not self obsessive?