Funny thing, I managed to hit the cap for the word count. The max is 32000 words, and the entire post was 35700 something. So, I guess this is probably the largest post on the forums.
Chapter 1, Part 2
“I know you’ve been struggling with your own thoughts, and after heavy consideration and living off of your disability from the funds of our facility, it’s probably best we will relieve you of duty of the Scepter Foundation permanently and re-enter you back into normal society. We had arrangements to get you a possible civilian job within the city to help… reconnect with society. We will continue visiting weekly to aid and hopefully get you to remember your past, but in the meantime, it’s probably best we try to get you to conform back into the world. It’s been almost two years now. The Scepter Foundation is a very dangerous operation and from your condition, it’s probably best you don’t return back into the SCU.”
I wasn’t sure if I was to feel relieved, or worried. I had too many mixed feelings and I don’t even know what I even did in the SCU. Dr. Nathaniel always had a way of reading me like an open book and noticed relieving me from my “duty” didn’t mean much to me.
“I know you’re quite young to have a condition such as this. In my many years of serving this facility, I have witnessed greater horrors than you know. I will say you are one of the lucky ones. Hopefully, you’ll remember your past. In the meantime, we’ll send you an email about possible job listings we think you’ll possibly be best in to society. It saddens me that this is the only solution, but it’s a part of the recovery process to help rehabilitate your social being.”
I was still too shocked over the idea that I used to be a commander of a military squad to really pay much attention to anything else he said. I kind of figured that I had some sort of military position in the past, but what kind of threats were I having to deal with? Have I harmed people in the past? What even does the Scepter Foundation do? I don’t have the slightest clue of what to even do at this moment. My mind flooded with too many thoughts to handle and it became unbearable.
“It’s probably best we get you home and you can rest. I can’t begin to imagine what you are probably going through and I know it’s probably too much to bear, but hopefully we’ll get you back to your normal self. If you need to schedule a visit sooner or if you remember anything new, feel free to call up an early appointment. I’m not too far away.” I felt a bit more comfortable when he walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder. I sat still for a moment and soon followed as he escorted me through the facility again.
Normally he would introduce small details and I would have no trouble fitting them in, but I feel so much different today. As if the information does apply to my past, but they also don’t feel like my own. My mind was too cluttered to notice that we had already cycled through the facility to the front lobby where two personnel had been standing guard near one of the doors. A driver was to take me back to my apartment and the two guards accompanying him. I was continuously rubbing my own forehead as a migraine started to form to notice the guards or driver and after Dr. Nathaniel told me the exact time to meet next week. I was in one of the white transport vans being taken back through the city.
After a couple minutes of sitting in the van with the two guards standing around I looked up to get a better look at their face. Soon I fell into complete panic. They had similar white armor as the ones in my dream, but they didn’t have any colored insignias on their armor. Their helmet was different and one of the guards had a blacked visor across his helmet while the other had his face completely visible.
I looked away and tried to contain my breathing as my mind turned to panic. They didn’t mean any harm to me, but for some reason I fear them greatly. If I was a soldier of the SCU, then they would be my comrades. Why do I fear them? The intimidating armor and the clean shaven and brute faces. There was something I wasn’t being told, or maybe something no one knows of. The name, background, nothing feels right, but it must be. Or else who am I?