The Tale of Gnome is out! My first game is out!

OK. It’s gonna be a while until this game will reach it’s max potential, but if anyone has any ideas for stories, or coding examples of ideas for the games, post them here, because I am not the best at making stories, even though I try to write one every now and then, and also, I am only 13 currently, so nothing I make will be awesome, so anything you post here will most likely fit it’s way into this game.


Nice work so far! Keep on working, and you’ll for sure get better and better at this!

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Starting to work on second on second level. It will be the same as the first level, but flipped horizantally, more obstacles, and a boss chasing you till you get to the end. Then I will make a epic boss battle for the final level. Any tips? Does this seem like a good idea?


I am about to start working on the coin and monster point system, so the boss, which requires 20 hits on the head, will give you twenty points when you kill him. Is that too much points? Like this comment if it is fine with 20 points. Comment if you have an idea how to make it give you less points.


happy jump stickman piskel


i have an idea. I made this crumbling platform sprite that is exactly the size of one grid piece in flowlab. you can upload this to your game, and use the image as a sprite. it can work like this: if you step on it, it disappears! this can add some original sprites to your game.
here it is → platform breaking piskel

Additional Details
  • idk if you can download if you right-click on the image
  • make sure to edit out the black ball

Oh man this is great! I don’t know how to download it. I mean i keep “saving image as”, then I go to flowlab, upload it, then it only shows the first photo. How can I fix this?


Flowlab only shows the first frame of a gif. You would have to ask @BradenS to give you all the frames individually and then upload them into Flowlab one by one.


Ok. Hey, @BradenS , is it possible if you could give me each frame of the sprite indiviually?


yea im pretty sure i can do that
just give me a few minutes

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here you go!
platform breaking piskel

thats every individual frame


OK Cool! Now I just have to replace 53 collapsing blocks in the game, then I’ll be fine. Btw It is possible to play the second level, but it’s not fully finished, and right now the only way to get to it is to go into the game editor, and load the second game level. There is also a different way, but it’s not loaded yet, but looking at the library and play through the first boss fight, you should be able to reconize it.


It is now posible to reach LEVEL 2. All you need to do is either kill the monster, or find the smile block. It is very hard to find the smile block, but it will become easier if you look in the editor library. Also, level 2 is not fully completed, so don’t be upset if you fall through the floor.


LEVEL 2 IS NOW FULLY COMPLETE!! Once you have grabbed the purple crystal in order to complete the level, let me know how you liked the level. But first, for anyone who has finished the first level, please do this survey.

  • Not much
  • Could be better
  • It wasn’t amazing
  • It was great!
  • hands down: best game I’ve ever played

0 voters

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I would recommend changing the spike death to only side collisions. I mean, who died from touching the sides of a spike :upside_down_face:


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So, your suggesting to make it impossible to die from falling on top of it?


Oh, my bad, chief :rofl:
My bad, my bad. Change it to only a top collision (only the top button should be blue)

Boy oh boy I’m falling apart like a sugarcube in acid :sweat_smile:

I was also confused lol

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Okay then. Well, in some part, you have to jump through the stairs, and not not touch the spikes. Actually, I’ll just turn the spikes in the stairs into saws instead.