Like I have said in my Third Generation forum post, we are onto Gen 3 of flowlab. Here, just like the 21st Century Mathematical Challenges, I want to give some unsolved challenges and mysteries to the next gen. Any people who succeed in these tasks will get a game made for them by the Collaborating Dev Alliance. (lol!)
Now to the challenges:
1: Make an immersive 3D world.
2: Make in-game chat, not just emotes.
3: Build an in-game natural terrain generation (SOLVED) meburningslime - Use a Midpoint Array Sounding.
4:Create a rendering game that loads chunks as needed.
5: Solve SCP: World’s End’s Mystery.
6: Create a learning, conversational A.I. It needs to learn things other than combat, such as etequitte, since combat has AI is suprisingly easy.
7: Create an immersive civilizaation game.
Anything I should add? Let me know!
@“The Kodex” @“The Kodex” @seamothmaster45 @todorrobot @“my_name (<_>)” @YouMakeEm @“JR 01” @grazer
Anything I missed? Anything that should be added or removed?
@Pixel-Master-Studios-Dev @PI_GYE_YT @mtl144
@meburningslime If you really do these games that would be awesome!
@“The Kodex”
@meburningslime can you enter with already created games?
Of course! These are just things that haven’t been completed in flowlab, up to my knowledge @“The Kodex” .
I think I could make 1 - 4 eventually
@“JR 01” You, grazer and I could all do it eventually. The point is, who will?
I think you could do 1-7 eventually…
Try 5 lol
Shameless plug
I’ll restate that, I can do 1 - 4
Ok, can you do 5 though
@meburningslime I’d stop bugging him! If you keep on asking him to do more it is most likely @“JR 01” won’t want to waste his time on even 4 of them lol
@seamothmaster45 wow…
Dude it’s supposed to be for 3rd maybe 2nd gen, @“JR 01” is just saying he can.
@meburningslime Link for number 3 (The completed one)?